How to Post 3D Facebook Photos

I really love these 3D Facebook Photo features. Why? Because they’re so easy to create and they look amazing!
There’s a couple of things I thought I’d cover to help you learn how to take the best 3D Facebook Photo, as well as how to upload and post it.
I’ll start from the beginning.
You’ll need:
- An iPhone with a dual-lens camera – I personally use an iPhone X, Facebook only allows me to upload images taken using the ‘Portrait’ mode on the Camera. This is where both of the lenses on the iPhone are used to take a picture, one focussing on the background and the other focusing on the foreground. This then blends the two images together by understanding the Depth of the image in front of you. Something that is very important when Facebook tries to understand where the foreground and background of the image are.
- The Facebook App – I’ve only seen the 3D photo feature on the Facebook app on my iPhone, not on my desktop. So I believe this is a ‘must have’ at the moment.
- A Portrait Image – Just to reiterate, you can only upload images that have been taken using the Portrait mode on the iPhone. The models that can be used are currently anything newer than the iPhone 7 Plus with a dual lens camera.
How to upload
One of my favourite parts of this feature is how easy it is to upload. Let me show you:
- Open your Facebook app and navigate to the page you want to post the picture to.
- Do click to upload a photo/video when posting. Instead, go to write a normal post.
- Slide the features bar at the bottom of your screen to reveal all of the posting features.
- Click ‘3D Photo’
- Upload your desired Portrait image
- Facebook will now turn the Portrait image into a 3D image.
And you’re done! On a phone, you should now find that the image changes depth based on your phone’s gyroscope. With a desktop, the image should follow your cursor. As you scroll up and down your news feed the image will also change depth.
There have been mixed emotions about the new feature. Many people feel that the feature is under-developed. There are many instances where the image subject’s depth has been lost in the picture, resulting in the subject being split apart when the 3D effect is utilised. I’ve personally seen an example of a motorbike in the picture, and the curves on the bike have been considered as a vastly different depth when the picture was being stitched by Facebook. This leads the handlebars to move at a different rate to the motorbike’s body, resulting in the bike ‘falling apart’ when the 3D effect came into play.
Naturally, I always expect there to be teething issues with any new feature with any company. If there’s not then I am both surprised and very impressed. You see it a lot with most online video games when they launch, a lot of the time the severs collapse because of the high load. I have no doubt that this 3D image feature on Facebook will be a work in progress.
What’s next?
I look forward to seeing other social media channels utilising the use of 3D images. I really want to know what people think about these 3D photos, as I wouldn’t mind seeing this becoming the normal style of an image on phones (providing the image’s come out properly). I think it would also be cool if the feature utilised a ‘smart-filler’ feature, similar to that on Adobe Photoshop to replace the ‘lost’ areas of the image, rather than just blur it out.
Either way, exciting stuff – if any of you get stuck trying to work out how to upload the images, feel free to pop me an email.